Open Water Certification Dives
Dutch Springs Weekends
Once you have finished the pool/lecture course, the next step is to take those skills and use them on a real open water dive. At Tiedemann's we have a number of different programs to help you do the dives that give you your certification. There are three different ways in which we can help you complete your training. Remember only after completing your open water dives will you be certified as an Open Water diver. You have six months to complete the open water dives after finishing your pool/lecture program.
One way to do your open water dives for certification is to set up a dive trip. On that trip you can be certified by another instructor. If you would like to complete your open water dives in Bonaire, Belize, Cozumel, Grand Cayman or Club Med. Our Dive Travel specialists can set up the entire trip for you. You need not do your certification dives here in the Northeast unless that is what you are interested in - diving in the Northeast. If you decide to get certified on a trip we will issue you a student Referral which allows you to complete the four dives with another instructor.
Another way to get certified is to join us on one of our escorted trips to some of the most interesting dive spots in the world. We have been running escorted group trips for over 50 years. During that time we have developed SCUBA Vacationing into a fine art. We have trips during the Spring, Fall, and Winter. You can plan to finish your SCUBA training and have a great vacation at the same time. Details of the trips can be found on our home page.
The third way to get certified is to do your open water dives with us right here on Long Island. Our island has a number of different beach dive location that we can use to complete your 4 dives. The 4 dives need to be done over 2 days so all the work could be done in one weekend.
You know the instructors that you met in the pool during your training. These are the same experienced instructors that will be with you on your open water dives for certification. These experienced instructors are committed to giving you the best possible training. We hope that everyone that plans to dive on Long Island will try to do their open water dives on Long Island with us. Diving in our area can be fun and it has a diversity that can keep everyone happy. We have beach diving, which is simple and doesn't cost anything. Get some specialized training, which we offer, and you could. be wreck diving on some of the shallow and deep wreck dives we have right off of Long Island. If you are interested in history, finding artifacts, or going lobstering, we have these activities - right here on Long Island - no need to travel thousands of miles.
Our whole program is set up so you will obtain all the open water experience needed to receive you Open Water Diver certification. If you took your pool/lecture work at another facility, you can still do your dives with us. Our open water program meets and exceeds all agency requirements. If you did take your course at another facility you simple need to get a "referral form" from your pool/lecture instructor and you do your open water dives with us.Doing the dives on Long Island